- #Purpose of gifted hands book movie
- #Purpose of gifted hands book full
- #Purpose of gifted hands book tv
There is minimal background on his wife, except for a brief scene hinting that she is a musician. We are given no detail on how Carson developed his appreciation of classical music at a young age.
#Purpose of gifted hands book tv
How Carson got from being the at the bottom of his class to brilliant would have been most interesting, but we are asked simply to accept that it happened because his mother limited his TV viewing and asked him to read books.
#Purpose of gifted hands book full
There is enough material in any one of those phases in his life for a full length feature.

We rush through Carson's being labeled as the dumbest kid in the class, to his sudden rise as one of the smartest, then on to Yale, marriage, his internship, and his ultimate successes as a neurosurgeon. There are so many obstacles that Carson had to overcome, not the least of which was racial discrimination, that there is just too much to cover in one ninety minute movie. A black man raised by a single mother in difficult circumstances, Carson went on to be a world renowned neurosurgeon and the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. But if I were you, I would've sent it to the cinemas first. I guess that's about all there is to say about this movie.
#Purpose of gifted hands book movie
If you've read it and you're scared the movie will suck, don't worry, it doesn't. I haven't read the book, but I've heard it's wonderful. Something else to keep in mind is that this is based on a true story and it's a book. It's not superb quality, but everything about this movie was great. The writers put a lot of time into this with some excellent dialog here and there. It seems slow at some parts, but all the characters put out wonderful dramatic performances. I know it doesn't sound that interesting, but it really is. The movie goes through all his good times and his bad times from start to finish. As he goes through the years some things get worse with relationships and such, as others get better, like knowledge, but he grows up to be this neurologist, the best in the world and his jobs range from checking over babies to stopping daily seizures. He was dumb and unimaginative with a very low self esteem. To summarize this story in a nutshell, it's about an amazing neurologist named Ben Carson, who started off with nothing. ENJOY/DISFRUTELA! Any comments, questions or observations, in English o en Español, are most welcome! Also, as is usually the case with TV productions, some aspects were slightly below par, causing me to rate this 9* as opposed to 10*. Two Constructive Critiques: Even with his wrinkles digitally air-brushed out, at 41, Gooding was too old to play a 19 year-old college Freshman. Was excellent (but not great) in the title role. (One of the BEST scenes in the film, BTW) Cuba Gooding, Jr. Certainly, there must have been a number of times in his life where he encountered racism, but one scene was enough to underscore this. Inspiration is inspiration, no matter who, where, how, when or why! GIFTED HANDS deserves KUDOS for several things it doesn't do: Despite being about an African-American trailblazer starting out in the 60's and 70's, there is only one brief scene where Carson is dissed simply for being "different". Yet, I find this attitude just as baffling as those who cannot countenance a story line where inspiration is NOT faith-based. Unfortunately, there are always a few people who seem to find this religious source anathema to their continued existence on this planet! Why is that? I consider myself a spiritual person, but not really religious, in the traditional sense. Carson's particular well-spring of inspiration is his faith in God. Every time I sit down to write a review, my goal is to find some aspect of the film that inspires me, and then manage to express that in a way that will, in turn, serve to inspire you! In the case of GIFTED HANDS, there is a lot of inspiration at its core! Dr. That Carson would become eventually, perhaps, the best and most renowned Pediatric Neurosurgeon in the world is even a bigger miracle! These words are easy to identify with because "What the human mind can conceive and believe, it can ACHIEVE!"-Dr. Ben Carson upon being asked why he wanted to be a brain surgeon during his screening interview as an applicant for internship at prestigious John Hopkins Hospital. The ONLY Tony Kiss Castillo on FaceBook!- "The brain is a miracle!" Says Dr.